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Every parent wants their child to have secure and a successful career. But the first step towards such a goal is to choose the right stream for your child at the very beginning itself. Such are the questions that arise in the minds of parents – Which school to put their children into? Is this stream right for my child? Will my child enjoy this school? Etc. Disha Deepan provides the best academic solutions every parent needs for their child that will guarantee the best future for their children.
School Board
Know appropriate school board as per your child’s inborn innate.
Career Stream
Know if your child should be pursuing Arts, Commerce, Maths or Biology as per his/her inborn innate.
Study Techniques
Learn correct Study Techniques based on your child’s inborn innate.
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Deepti Arora and her team at Disha Deepan are certified academic counsellors who have in-depth knowledge of today’s educational world and can guide each and every student towards a successful career. With many career opportunities opening up in this century, choosing the best school and learning pattern for your children is very important, and academic counsellors are there to solve all your questions regarding your children’s future!
Good academics and proper education are the initial steps to having an effective profession. It holds incredible significance in any student’s life and is certainly a factor that gauges your learning capacities while helping you make sense of which field you might want to seek ahead as your profession.
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Academic counsellors are persons who are tasked to help students to make the right decisions in achieving their educational and career goals. They are skilled and trained to mentor students from various educational backgrounds. Their work mainly involves informing the students about the various career options which they have and guide them according to their career based on their interest. Academic counselling can be done individually or in a group based on the requirement. Nowadays students face many difficulties in choosing the right academic path due to the many options available, so choosing a well experienced academic counsellor is the right decision in making a successful career.
Not just career opportunities but various school boards are also now an option available to parents to choose from. Parents want their children to learn from the best school board but is that school board they feel best the right one for their children? Academic counsellors are here to answer this question as well! Academic counsellors at Disha Deepan will give you an in-depth analysis of your child’s abilities and can tell you which school board is right, which learning pattern suits your child best, what career can your child succeed in, etc.
Academic counsellors help students in many forms like they can guide students in improving their studying techniques based on their innate traits.
They also help students to overcome:
● Behavioural
● Social
● Personal shortcomings
The role of the academic counsellors is also to provide proper guidance to students whenever they face any difficulties in pursuing their education. Without any external help, students have to find their career path without any expert knowledge about the current and future scope of the field. Academic counsellors at times have to also deal sympathetically with students with a lack of trust and confidence in themselves.
1. Picking a board (IB, ICSE, CBSE, SSC) whose difficulty level is perfect with your kid.
2. Which stream (Science, Arts, Commerce) CAN he/she truly do. And this is derived not from parents or anyone else’s expectations or thoughts and contemplations however just because the individual has the abilities to thrive and based on the report, it will undoubtedly check out. Which learning method is most suitable for him/ her to gain clarity on several concepts across diverse subjects.
3. Is he/she a kinaesthetic learner or auditory or visual? During a revision or for exam preparation which method is most helpful for him/ her? Making notes is kinaesthetic learning meanwhile trying to learn it by heart is done by an auditory learner and highlighting the text in different colours, this is visual learning. A lot of students try out different methods during exams, this causes so much wastage of time and little output.
4. Some students need one-on-one tuitions while a lot do okay in a batch setting. Some may be able to learn theory quickly but, some may need to perform a practical to grasp the concept. The analysis also helps to see how much grasping power, and concentration span the individual has. Personalized solutions to increase both efficiencies can be discussed. Based on factors that interfere with your education, a good seating position is advised so the individual can perform at his/ her maximum level.
Disha Deepan has a team of well trained, highly-skilled, experienced academic counsellors having the following skills to ensure effective counselling in order to help your child with academics.
Leadership Skills
It is the ability of the academic counsellor to direct the students towards achieving their desired goals.
Listening Skills
It is their ability to carefully listen to the student’s opinions, ideas, suggestions, and problems. Listening skills strengthen the relationship between the counsellors and the students and ensure the ability to provide the needed guidance and support.
Planning and Time Management Skills
The ability to set goals and transfer them to procedures that can be achieved; and the ability to organize the work and office hours to meet with the students.
Empathy skill
The ability to share students’ feelings and reactions is an essential skill, to show understanding to the students and to develop good relations with them. Hence help the student to accept the guidance process.
Problem Solving & Decision-Making Skills
The academic counsellor requires this skill to identify the problems facing the student so that the student can obtain the abilities to identify problems, make judgments, and make decisions to resolve the problems.
Organizing Skill
One of the most important skills is to organize the work of counselling in a way that ensures the best benefit of the students.
DMIT analyses the innate personality and traits of human beings and finds out the best possible life they can live. At a young age too, which school to take admission in, which board to choose is absolutely necessary as the children are groomed in a way by the choices you make for them. So, making the right choice for their successful future is in your hands. DMIT is the right platform to perfectly shape the future of your child. Get to know what he is best at and groom him to make him the best in that field. DMIT can surely give you the best academic solutions for your child. Academic counsellors at Disha Deepan can guide you perfectly to secure a perfect future for your child.
What can I expect from Disha Deepan’s academic solutions?
Our Academic counseling process advices students on a number of issues that students may face throughout their educational careers. These issues include advice on classes to take, post-graduation career choices, tutoring, financial aid, and personal counseling about their learning styles, input gathering patterns, and study techniques suitable as per that child’s uniqueness.
Why do I need academic advising for my child?
Every parent wants their child to have secure and a successful career. But the first step towards such a goal is to choose the right stream for your child at the very beginning itself. Such are the questions that arise in the minds of parents – Which school to put their children into? Is this stream right for my child? Will my child enjoy this school? Etc. Disha Deepan provides the best academic solutions every parent needs for their child that will guarantee the best future for their children.
How can I get help for study skills and time management?
Our biometric test identifies for you the correct way to study based on VAK and SRW patterns. It identifies for you the best way you should prepare and study for best memory retention and creatively enjoying the studies and classes. It also identifies how students should structure themselves as per their personality and traits so that they can produce the maximum outcomes in a day.
How do I learn more about the academic solutions?
- Please call or WhatsApp us at +919818037087 with your queries and we can schedule a session for you.
- You can also fill the Enquiry form here and we will get back to you earliest.
- Or you can fill the Google form and we will reach out to you.
What are the requirements to opt for the session?
No question needs to be answered. Neither you would need to go through any aptitude test. We don’t ask any questions to know about your personality, traits, and talents. You just need to provide us with your Biometrics for us to analyze them and let you know the brain pattern of the child and his / her inclinations.
What are the advantages of attending academic solutions counselling?
Our children are our future. They are like seeds, correct nurturing can make them grow into happy and successful human beings. If we know how frequently to water, what fertilizer to put, whether they need shade or direct sunlight then we will be able to grow them into beautiful beings. Hence Academic Solution Counselling is a must for our growing children for their uplifting future.
Is session online or not? If yes then how effective as face to face counselling?
Yes, our sessions and all other related processes are online. You can opt for either face-to-face or online counselling. There is no difference in the quality of either of them. A standard process is followed to guide on the solutions and online video conferencing platforms are used for better interaction and body language understanding.
How important are our academic sessions?
Academics and Education are the base for any career decisions in the future. Also they shape up the learning capabilities and environment grasping capabilities of children. Hence it is very necessary to know them fully before we choose for them any study techniques and information gathering solutions. Our academic solutions are personalized for every child and showcase his / her areas to be nurtured in correct manner.