Questions to Bring Up During Parent-Teacher Meeting

Questions to Bring Up During Parent-Teacher Meeting

In what subjects—reading, math, science, and social studies—is my child performing well?


In discussing your child’s reading proficiency, inquire about the specific strategies employed in the classroom to enhance literacy skills. Explore whether the curriculum incorporates a variety of genres, fostering a well-rounded approach to reading. Additionally, ask about any individualized reading plans tailored to your child’s needs. Understanding the specific tools and methods utilized by the teacher provides valuable insights into how your child’s reading journey is being nurtured.

When delving into the realm of reading, consider asking about the integration of technology or multimedia resources to make the learning experience engaging. Discuss any literacy assessments used to evaluate comprehension and fluency. This multifaceted approach not only broadens your understanding of your child’s academic strengths but also allows for a collaborative discussion on how to further support and encourage their reading development.


Beyond grades, seek an in-depth understanding of your child’s mathematical journey by discussing specific areas of strength or challenge. Explore the teacher’s approach to differentiated instruction, understanding how individualized learning plans are crafted to accommodate various skill levels. Inquire about real-world applications in math lessons and how these applications are communicated to students. This not only provides a nuanced view of your child’s mathematical abilities but also opens up avenues for incorporating math into everyday activities at home.

Building on this, delve into the teacher’s perspective on fostering a growth mindset in mathematics. Discuss any enrichment programs or extracurricular opportunities available for students who exhibit advanced mathematical aptitude. By engaging in a comprehensive conversation, you gain a deeper understanding of your child’s mathematical journey, enabling you to provide targeted support for their continued success.


Explore the specifics of your child’s scientific education by inquiring about the hands-on experiences and experiments incorporated into the curriculum. Discuss the teacher’s approach to fostering curiosity and critical thinking in the realm of science. Additionally, inquire about any STEM initiatives within the school, understanding how these programs contribute to a holistic understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

In the discussion about science education, consider exploring the teacher’s recommendations for science-related activities that can be pursued at home. This not only reinforces classroom learning but also cultivates a genuine interest in scientific exploration outside the school environment. By delving into these details, you gain a comprehensive view of your child’s engagement with science, allowing you to actively support and encourage their curiosity beyond the classroom.

Social Studies:

When exploring your child’s grasp of social studies, go beyond surface-level questions and inquire about the integration of diverse perspectives and current events into the curriculum. Discuss the teacher’s strategies for making historical concepts relevant and engaging for students. Additionally, explore any project-based learning opportunities that allow students to connect historical knowledge with contemporary issues.

Delve deeper into the assessment methods used to evaluate critical thinking skills within the realm of social studies. Understanding how your child’s understanding is measured provides valuable insights into their academic progress. Furthermore, discuss with the teacher how social studies concepts are applied in real-life scenarios, fostering a deeper appreciation for the subject and enhancing your child’s ability to connect historical knowledge with the world around them.

Which qualities do my kids have?

Engage in a comprehensive discussion about your child’s unique qualities by asking for specific examples where these qualities have shone through. Inquire about any classroom activities or projects that actively nurture and celebrate these individual strengths. Additionally, explores how the school’s curriculum and extracurricular activities contribute to the development of character traits such as creativity, resilience, leadership, and collaboration skills.

Beyond academic achievements, delve into the teacher’s observations of your child’s behavior and interactions with peers. This holistic understanding provides valuable insights into your child’s overall development. Consider discussing strategies for reinforcing these qualities at home and aligning them with the school’s efforts to create a well-rounded educational experience.

Which communication method is your favourite?

In discussing the preferred communication method, delve into the details of how the teacher uses this method effectively. Inquire about the frequency of updates and the depth of information provided. Discuss the availability of a digital platform or online portal for tracking assignments, grades, and upcoming events. Understanding the nuances of communication channels ensures a transparent and efficient flow of information between the school and home.

Explore the possibility of scheduled check-ins or progress reports to maintain an ongoing dialogue about your child’s academic and social development. Discuss the teacher’s responsiveness to urgent concerns and the best approach for addressing immediate issues. Establishing a clear understanding of communication expectations creates a collaborative environment that supports your child’s educational journey.

How can I help the classroom work at home?

When discussing strategies for supporting classroom work at home, delve into specific recommendations for creating an effective study environment. Inquire about the teacher’s perspective on the role of parental involvement in homework and study routines. Discuss any recommended resources, books, or online tools that align with classroom content and can enhance your child’s learning experience.

Explore the teacher’s insights into managing workload and stress, ensuring that homework assignments contribute to meaningful learning rather than becoming a source of frustration. Discuss how parents can actively participate in reinforcing classroom learning, whether through additional exercises, discussions, or real-world applications of concepts. By collaborating on these strategies, you contribute to a cohesive educational approach that bridges the gap between home and school.

What is the behavioural, social, and intellectual standing of my child in relation to others?

In exploring your child’s social interactions, seek specific instances highlighting positive social behavior. Discuss the teacher’s strategies for cultivating a supportive and inclusive classroom culture. Inquire about any social-emotional learning programs in place and how they address challenges like peer conflicts or feelings of exclusion. Understanding the teacher’s perspective on social dynamics provides valuable insights into your child’s social growth within the school community.

Explore strategies for reinforcing positive social skills at home through open communication and role-playing scenarios. Discuss ways in which parents can actively contribute to the development of strong peer relationships and emotional intelligence. By delving into the intricacies of social interactions, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your child’s social development and collaborate with the teacher to foster a positive and inclusive environment.

Standing in Comparison to Peers:

When discussing your child’s standing in comparison to peers, delve into the nuances of the classroom dynamic. Inquire about the teacher’s approach to accommodating diverse learning styles and whether personalized learning plans are utilized. Discuss strategies for addressing individual strengths and challenges within a group setting, fostering an inclusive environment that supports every student’s unique journey.

Explore collaborative projects or activities that encourage students to learn from each other, enhancing both academic and social development. Discuss the teacher’s perspective on fostering a positive class culture where students support and learn from one another. By understanding the dynamics of the classroom, you can actively contribute to creating an environment that nurtures each child’s individuality within a collective learning community.

How will the academic objectives of my kid be met?

Move beyond general academic objectives and discuss specific goals tailored to your child’s needs. Inquire about the teacher’s approach to curriculum alignment with standardized testing and how progress is consistently monitored. Discuss any challenges or barriers to meeting these objectives and collaborate on strategies for overcoming them. Explore the development and adjustment of individualized learning plans, ensuring they evolve with your child’s academic journey.

Consider discussing the role of formative and summative assessments in evaluating progress and understanding areas that may require additional attention. Inquire about any available resources or interventions that support academic objectives. By engaging in a detailed conversation about academic goals, you establish.

What positive contributions does my child make to the class community?

Celebrate and acknowledge the positive impact your child has on the class community by discussing specific instances and activities where they shine. Inquire about any leadership roles, participation in group projects, or initiatives that demonstrate their commitment to creating a positive learning environment. Understanding the teacher’s perspective on your child’s contributions allows you to reinforce these behaviors at home and provides insight into how your child is perceived by peers and educators alike.

Delve deeper into the teacher’s observations of how your child collaborates with others and contributes to a sense of community within the classroom. Discuss strategies for fostering a sense of responsibility and empathy in your child, both of which are foundational for creating a supportive and inclusive class community. By actively engaging in this aspect of your child’s school life, you contribute to the development of not only academic skills but also essential social and emotional competencies.

Concerns about My Child

Initiate a candid and open conversation about any concerns the teacher may have regarding your child’s academic, social, or behavioural aspects. Inquire about specific instances or patterns that may have raised concerns and seek the teacher’s insights into potential root causes. Understanding any challenges your child may be facing provides an opportunity for collaboration between parents and teachers to develop targeted strategies for support.

Discuss the availability of support services within the school, such as counselling, special education, or additional resources that may address identified concerns. Explore strategies for ongoing communication and feedback loops to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments. By addressing concerns proactively, you can work together with the teacher to create a supportive environment that maximizes your child’s potential and ensures their well-being in all aspects of their school experience.


In conclusion, these questions offer a comprehensive framework for parent-teacher meetings, fostering a collaborative partnership between parents and educators. By engaging in detailed discussions under each heading, you gain a holistic understanding of your child’s academic progress, social interactions, and overall development. This collaborative approach creates a supportive educational environment that maximizes your child’s potential and lays the foundation for their success in both academic and life skills.