How to Maintain Work Life Balance? | Important Tips & Hacks

Work Life Balance

In today’s world, how many working professionals can attest to having a flourishing career, healthy lifestyle, and compatible relationships at the same time?

If you are a working professional, chances are high that you are spending most of your time trying to meet deadlines while doing what you can do to manage your personal life. This struggle is very real for most professionals. And hence, quality of work-life balance should be one of the most important criteria for choosing a job!!

And so, here are some practical tips and hacks on maintaining a work-life balance and making yourself a happier version of yourself.

  1. Identify some ‘Me’ time

You may feel that you are unable to devote any time for yourself keeping in mind your busy schedule, but try and make it a habit to take some time out for just yourself. Having even an hour for yourself during the day can help you feel energized and unwind to be able to recharge for going out in the world.

In your ‘Me’ time, stick to doing what makes you the happiest even if it’s simply lying in the bed while staring at the roof.

  1. Get social

Humans are social beings and there are no two ways about it. We all want friends and family. So, make time for them just as you do for work. Plan things with the family that bring you closer and make your bond stronger with each other. Try and have meaningful conversations and lots of fun activities.

  1. Learn to prioritize and de-clutter your mind

The most important way by which you can maintain a work-life balance is by eliminating unnecessary obligations. You may want to do a hundred things a day but take a break and think.

Do you need to do all of this work today itself?

The idea is to set your priorities straight as per your goals and situation and allocate sufficient time to each of the important activities to achieve those goals. Group your tasks into urgent, not so urgent, not for today and not necessary for a long time. Keeping your priorities straight will help you avoid unnecessary and unimportant tasks.

  1. Seek advice and help

If you are overloaded with work or and feeling the burn, there is no harm in seeking help from your boss about how you feel. If you are stuck up and unable to find a balance between your work and family, then do not hesitate to take advice. It can be a life coach, a counsellor, a friend, or anyone who is successful in managing work and life. With increasing awareness about mental well being, employers and organizations are adapting to be considerate about the well being of employees.

  1. Stay organized and delegate work

Stay organized and keep a routine for your daily activities. Make to-do lists, tap into technology; learn efficient ways of time management. Staying organized works wonders!

Take up work that you can actually finish. If not, then delegate work. The best professional is not the one who starts hundreds of things and either leaves them in between or finishes them inefficiently but the one who carries out the assigned work in the most effective way.

  1. Have that holiday

Go ahead and take that holiday you have been thinking about for months. Travelling helps us in disconnecting from our daily routine for a while. Even a long weekend every now and then is better than nothing. Don’t forget to completely disconnect from your work while you are on vacation.

  1. Take small breaks

Remember to take time out throughout your day. You may not have time every day to simply sit ideal and “be”, but a lunch break is a must on those days as well. Make a point of getting up and stretching every hour or at a logical point. It will help you become focused, clearer in thoughts and more productive.

  1. Learn to say ‘No’

Say ‘No’ to things that are not aligned with your personal goals. It certainly does not mean that you are lazy or do not want to take up responsibilities. Often we tend to spend too much time in activities that do not contribute to our goals. Identify them and learn to say ‘No’ to them. 

  1. Do not compare

Sometimes, more often than not we feel miserable about ourselves when we see others enjoying their lives. We also try to imitate their plans and fit them into our lives. However, we need to remember that our situation is different from theirs and what works for them may not work for us.

Instead, we should try and focus on the positives of our lives and indulge in activities that make us happy. For example, if you like sculpting, take time out of your schedule at least once a week and sculpt.

  1. Set realistic expectations

It’s hard to find a perfect balance between career, relationships, and self. If you are expecting to live a life without any adjustments or compromises, you are setting yourself up for nothing but disappointment. So be practical and then plan as per your situation and keep moving forward every single day.

Maintaining a work-life balance is integral for attaining a healthy lifestyle. Don’t forget that work is an important part of your life but there are other important areas that also deserve your time and attention. Make sure to find that balance and you will discover yourself thriving and not just surviving in life.